  基因组结构与功能研究课题组致力于研发各种基于高通量测序的技术并将其应用于干细胞及肿瘤细胞的基因组结构与功能研究。迄今为止在PNAS、Cell Stem Cell、Genome Biology、Oncogene等国际重要学术期刊上发表论文三十余篇,被引用总次数5600余次。目前主要研究包括:从事转录组学、转录调控网络和表观遗传学研究。其研究方向包括:1)生殖干细胞的表观遗传修饰及其生物学意义;2)肿瘤细胞的多聚腺苷酰化及其生物学意义。




学生:博士:胡丛霞  赵蔷   陈宇璨 




1. 生殖干细胞转录调控网络和表观遗传调控的研究

2. 肿瘤细胞选择性多聚腺苷酰化及其生物学功能的研究





1. Tan S, Li H, Zhang W, Shao Y, Liu Y, Guan H, Wu J, Kang Y, Zhao J, Yu Q, Gu Y, Ding K, Zhang M, Qian W, Zhu Y, Cai H, Chen C, Lobie PE, Zhao X, Sun J, Zhu T. NUDT21 negatively regulates PSMB2 and CXXC5 by alternative polyadenylation and contributes to hepatocellular carcinoma suppression. Oncogene. 2018; 37(35):4887-4900.

2. Zhang XL, Wu J, Wang J, Shen T, Li H, Lu J, Gu Y, Kang Y, Wong CH, Ngan CY, Shao Z, Wu J, Zhao X. Integrative epigenomic analysis reveals unique epigenetic signatures involved in unipotency of mouse female germline stem cells. Genome Biol. 2016; 17(1):162.

3. Lai DP, Tan S, Kang YN, Wu J, Ooi HS, Chen J, Shen TT, Qi Y, Zhang X, Guo Y, Zhu T, Liu B, Shao Z, Zhao X. Genome-wide profiling of polyadenylation sites reveals a link between selective polyadenylation and cancer metastasis. Hum Mol Genet. 2015; 24(12):3410-7.

4. Qi Y, Zhang X, Kang Y, Wu J, Chen J, Li H, Guo Y, Liu B, Shao Z, Zhao X. Genome-wide transcriptional profiling analysis reveals annexin A6 as a novel EZH2 target gene involving gastric cellular proliferation. Mol Biosyst. 2015; 11(7):1980-6.

5. Zhao X, Han X, Chew JL, Liu J, Chiu KP, Choo A, Orlov YL, Sung WK, Shahab A, Kuznetsov VA, Bourque G, Oh S, Ruan Y, Ng HH, Wei CL. Whole genome mapping of histone H3 Lys4 and 27 trimethylations reveals distinct genomic compartments in human embryonic stem cells. Cell Stem Cell, 2007; 1 (3):286-9.
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