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邮箱: taosc@sjtu.edu.cn
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学位或训练 年份 学校或研究所 专业
学士 1993-1997 山东大学 微生物学
硕士 1997-2000 中科院武汉病毒研究所 分子生物学
博士 2000-2004 清华大学 生物物理


博士后 2004-2008 约翰霍普金斯大学 蛋白质组/蛋白质芯片
特别研究员 2009-2011 上海交通大学 系统生物学/蛋白质组


2010 教育部新世纪人才
2010 上海市科技启明星
2012 上海交通大学晨星计划A
2017 创新人才推进计划重点领域创新团队(结核病系统生物学与转化医学创新团队) 团队核心成员
2017 全国妇幼健康科学技术奖 三等奖 DEFB126移码突变导致精子功能异常的转化医学研究 排名第四


1. 上海交通大学涉人伦理审查委员会委员 2020-06
2. 上海交通大学科技伦理委员会委员 2020-06-1
3. 上海交通大学生农医药学部学位委员会 委员 2020-06-1
4. 中国生物工程学会系统生物医学专业委员会副主任委员(兼秘书长)2019-
5. 中国生物工程学会生物传感、生物芯片与纳米生物学(BBN)专业委员会 委员 2017-
6. 中国生物化学与分子生物学会分子系统生物学专业委员会 委员 2017
7. 上海交通大学生命科学学院学位委员会 委员 2016-
8. 上海交通大学生命科学学院教学委员会 委员 2016-
9. 中国医药生物技术协会生物芯片分会 委员 2012-01
10. 中国生物化学与分子生物学会糖复合物专业委员会 委员 2012-01
11. 中国生物化学与分子生物学会蛋白质组学专业委员会 委员 2012-01
12. BMC Bioinformatics, Associated editor, 2020-09
13. Genome Editing in Infectious Diseases 编委 2019-11-01
14. Proteomics编委 2012-01-01
15. 癌基因及相关基因国家重点实验室 研究员 2009-01
16. 上海交通大学生物医学工程学院 兼职教授 2012-05


1. Li Y, Ma ML, Lei Q, Wang F, Hong W, Lai DY, Hou HY, Xu ZW, Zhang B, Chen H, Yu CZ, Xue JB, Zheng YX, Wang XN, J HW, Zhang HN, Qi H, Guo SJ, Zhang YD, Lin XS, Yao ZJ, Wu JX, Sheng HM, Zhang YN, Wei HP*, Sun ZY*, Fan XL*, Tao SC*. (2021). Linear epitope landscape of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein constructed from 1,051 COVID-19 patients. Cell Reports. 34(13), 108915. (通讯作者)
2. Qu DH, Zhao XH, Sun Y, Wu FL*, Tao SC*. (2021). Mycobacterium tuberculosis thymidylyltransferase RmlA is negatively regulated by Ser/Thr protein kinase PknB. Fontiers in microbiology. Doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.643951. (通讯作者)
3. Qi H, Ma ML, Jiang HW, Ling JY, Chen LY, Zhang HN, Lai DY, Li Y, Guo ZW, Hu CS, Guo SJ, Meng QF, Ren Y, Yang X, Wang W, Zhou J, Zhao XD*, Li H*, Tao SC*. (2021). Systematic profiling of SARS-CoV-2-specific IgG epitopes at amino acid resolution. Cell Mol Immunol. Doi: 10.1038/s41423-021-00654-3. (通讯作者)
4. Y Li., DY Lai., Q Lei., ZW Xu., F Wang., HY Hou., LY Chen., JX Wu., Y Ren., ML Ma., B Zhang., H Chen., CZ Yu., JB Xue., YX Zheng., XN Wang., HW Jiang., HN Zhang., H Qi., SJ Guo., YD Zhang., XS Lin., ZJ Yao., PF Pang., DW Shi., W Wang., X Yang., J Zhou., HM Sheng., ZY Sun., H Shan., XL Fan and SC Tao. (2020). Systematic evaluation of IgG responses to SARS-CoV-2 spike protein-derived peptides for monitoring COVID-19 patients. Cell Mol Immunol. doi.:10.1038/s41423-020-00612-5 (通讯作者)
5. Ma ML, Qi H, Hu CS, Xu ZW, Wu FL, Wang N, Lai DY, Li Y, Zhang HN, Jiang HW, Meng QF, Guo SJ, Kang YN, Zhao XD*, Li H*, and Tao SC*. (2021). The binding epitope of Sintilimab on PD-1 revealed by AbMap. ABBS. Doi:10.1093/abbs/gmab020. (通讯作者)
6. Qi H*., Ma ML, Lai DY, Tao SC*. (2021). Display technology: an ideal platform for coupling protein and nucleotide acid. ABBS. Doi:10.1093/abbs/gmab006. (通讯作者)
7. Qi H, Ma ML, Hu CS, Xu ZW, Wu FL, Wang N, Lai DY, Li Y, Zhang HN, Jiang HW, Meng QF, Guo SJ, Kang YN, Zhao XD*, Li H*, Tao SC*. (2021). Antibody binding epitope Mapping (AbMap) of hundred antibodies in a single run. Mol Cell Proteomics. 20, 100059. (通讯作者)
8. Zhu YS, Shao N, Chen JW, Qi WB, Li Y, Liu P, Chen YJ, Bian SY, Zhang Y*, Tao SC*. (2020). Multiplex and visual detection of African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV) based on Hive-Chip and direct loop-mediated isothermal amplification. Analytica Chimica Acta 1140 (2020) 30e40. (通讯作者)
9. Lei Q., Li Y., Hou HY., Wang F., Ouyang ZQ., Zhang Y., Lai DY., Banga Ndzouboukou JL., Xu ZW., Zhang B., Chen H., Xue JB., Lin XS., Zheng YX., Yao ZJ., Wang XN., Yu CZ., Jiang HW., Zhang HN., Qi H., Guo SJ., Huang SH., Sun ZY*., Tao SC*., Fan XL*. (2020). Antibody dynamics to SARS-CoV-2 in asymptomatic COVID-19 infections. Allergy doi: 10.1111/all.14622. (通讯作者)
10. Qi H*, Ma ML, Lai DY, Li Y, Tao SC*. (2020). Assessment and comparison of recombinant proteins from different sources for detection of SARS-CoV-2 infection by using protein microarray. ABBS, 2021, 53(2), 262–264. (通讯作者)
11. Li Y., Lai DY., Zhang HN., Jiang HW., Tian XL., Ma ML., Qi H., Meng QF., Guo SJ., Wu YL., Wang W., Yang X., Shi DW., Dai JB., Ying TL*., Zhou J*., Tao SC*. (2020). Linear epitopes of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein elicit neutralizing antibodies in COVID-19 patients. Cellular & Molecular Immunology doi:10.1038/s41423-020-0514-8. 17: 1095-1097 (通讯作者)
12. Jiang HW., Zhang HN., Meng QF., Xie J., Li Y., Chen H., Zheng YX, Xue-ning Wang XN., Qi H., Zhang J., Wang PH., Han ZG. and Tao SC. (2020) SARS-CoV-2 Orf9b Suppresses Type I Interferon Responses by Targeting TOM70. Cellular & Molecular Immunology doi:10.1038/s41423-020-0514-8 (通讯作者)
13. He-wei Jiang HW., Li Y., Zhang HN., Wang W., Yang X., Qi H., Hua Li H., Men D*., Zhou J*. and Tao SC*. (2020). SARS-CoV-2 proteome microarray for global profiling of COVID-19 specific IgG and IgM responses. Nature communications. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-17488-8 (通讯作者)
14. Wang J., Tian GG., Li XY., Sun YY., Cheng L., Li YF., Shen Y., Chen XJ., Wenwei WW., Tao SC*. and Wu J*. (2020). Integrated glycosylation patterns of glycoproteins and DNA methylation landscapes in mammalian oogenesis and preimplantation embryo development. frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology doi:10.3389/fcell.2020.00555 (*通讯作者)
15. Yin WC., Mao CY., Luan XD., Shen DD., Shen QY., Su HX., Wang XX., Zhou FL., Zhao WF., Gao MQ., Chang SH., Xie YC., Tian GH., Jiang HW., Tao SC., Shen JS., Jiang Y., Jiang HL., Xu YC., Zhang SY., Zhang Y., Xu HE. (2020). Structural basis for inhibition of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase from SARS-CoV-2 by remdesivir. Science 10.1126/science.abc1560
16. Wu SF., Xia L., Shi XD., Dai YJ., Zhang WN., Zhao JM., Wu Zhang W., Weng XQ., Lu J., Le HY., Tao SC., Zhu J., Zhu Chen Z., Wang YY., and Chen SJ. (2020). RIG-I Regulates Myeloid Differentiation by Promoting TRIM25-Mediated ISGylation. PNAS, In press.
17. Wang ZH., Li Y., Hou B., Pronobis MI., Wang MQ., Wang YM., Cheng GC., Weng WN., Wang YQ., Tang YF., Xu XF., Pan R., Lin F., Wang N., Chen ZQ., Wang SW., Luyan Z LY., Ma L., Li YR., Huang DL., Jiang L., Wang ZQ., Zeng WF., Zhang Y., Du XM., Lin Y., Li ZQ., Xia QY., Geng J., Dai HP., Yu Y., Zhao XD., Yuan Z., Yan J., Nie QH., Zhang XQ., Wang K., Chen FL., Zhang Q., Zhu YX., Poss KD., Tao SC., Meng X. (2019) An Array of 60,000 Antibodies for Proteome-Scale Antibody Generation and Target Discovery. Science Advances. In press (*通讯作者)
18. Li Y., Li CQ., Guo SJ., Guo W., Jiang HW., Li HC., Tao SC. (2019). Longitudinal serum autoantibody repertoire profiling identifies surgery-associated biomarkers in lung adenocarcinoma. EBioMedicine. 53:102674. (*通讯作者)
19. Li KK., Qu DH., Zhang HN., Chen FY., Xu L., Wang MY., Su HY., Tao SC., Wu FL. (2020) Global discovery the PstP interactions using Mtb proteome microarray and revealing novel connections with EthR. J Proteomics. 215:103650. (*通讯作者)
20. Li R., Chen JW., Zhang XJ., Cui JJ., Tao SC., Yang LT. (2019) Mini-Disk Capillary Array Coupling with LAMP for Visual Detection of Multiple Nucleic Acids using Genetically Modified Organism Analysis as an Example. J Agric Food Chem. 68(3):899-906.
21. Xu ZW., Zhang HN., Zhang XY., Jiang HW., Liu CX., Wu Fl., Qian LL., Hao BB., Czajkowsky DM., Guo SJ., Xu ZJ., Bi LJ., Wang SH., Li HT., Tan MJ., Yan W., Feng L., Hou JL., Tao SC. (2019). Interplay between the bacterial protein deacetylase CobB and the second messenger c-di-GMP. EMBO J. e100948. (*通讯作者)
22. Huan Q., Wang F., Tao SC. (2019). Proteome microarray technology and application: higher, wider, and deeper. Expert Rev Proteomics. 16(10):815-827.
23. Wei S., Wang DB., Li H., Bi LJ., Deng JY., Zhu GF., Zhang JB., Li CY., Li M., Fang Y., Zhang GM., Chen J., Tao SC., Zhang XE. (2019). Fatty acylCoA synthetase FadD13 regulates proinflammatory cytokine secretion dependent on the NF‐κB signalling pathway by binding to eEF1A1. Cellular Microbiology. 2019; e13090.
24. Wu FL., Lai DY., Ding HH., Tang YJ., Xu ZW., Ma ML., Guo SJ., Wang JF., Shen N., Zhao XD., Qi H., Li H., Tao SC. (2019). Identification of serum biomarkers for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus using a library of phage displayed random peptides and deep sequencing. Mol Cell Proteomics, doi: 10.1074/mcp.RA119.001582. (*通讯作者)
25. Huang JG., Huang LK., Cai KB., Xu ZW., Tao SC., and Wang JF. (2019). RIBOi: a database for ribosome-interacting proteins.Acta Biochim et Biophys Sin (Shanghai), 51(4):441-443. (*通讯作者)
26. Narimatsu H., Kaji H., Vakhrushev SY., Clausen H., Zhang H., Noro E., Togayachi A., Nagai-Okatani C., Kuno A., Zou X., Cheng L., Tao SC., Sun YY. (2018). Current Technologies for Complex Glycoproteomics and Their Applications to Biology/Disease-Driven Glycoproteomics. J Proteome Res., (12):4097-4112
27. Wu FL., Liu., Zhang HN., Jiang HW., Cheng., Guo SJ., Deng JY., Bi LJ, Zhang XE., Gao HF., and Tao SC. (2018). Global profiling of PknG interactions using a human proteome microarray reveals novel connections with CypA. Proteomics, 18, 1800265. (*通讯作者)
28. Cheng, L., Liu CX., Jiang SY., Hou S., Huang JG., Chen ZQ., Sun YY., Qi H., Jiang HW., Wang JF., Czajkowsky DM., Dai JB., Tao SC. (2018). Cell Lysate Microarray for Mapping the Network of Genetic Regulators for Histone Marks. Mol Cell Proteomics, 17(9):1720-1736. (*通讯作者)
29. Hui JH., Gu Y., Zhu YS., Chen YJ., Guo SJ, Tao SC., Zhang Y., and Liu P. (2018). Multiplex sample-to-answer detection of bacteria using a pipette-actuated capillary array comb with integrated DNA extraction, isothermal amplification, and smartphone detection. Lab Chip, 18(18):2854-2864.
30. Xin AJ., Wu YC., Lu H., Cheng L., Gu YH., Diao H., Chen GW., Bin Wu B., Li Z., Tao SC., Sun XX., and Shi HJ. (2018). Comparative analysis of human sperm glycocalyx from different freezability ejaculates by lectin microarray and identification of ABA as sperm freezability biomarker. Clinical Proteomics, doi.org/10.1186/s12014-018-9195-z.
31. Yang L., Yang Z., Cheng L., Cheng J., Cheng L., Sun YY., Li WT., Song K., Huang WC., Yin, Tao SC, and Zhang QH. (2018). Lectin Microarray Combined with Mass Spectrometry Identifies Haptoglobin-Related Protein (HPR) as a Potential Serologic Biomarker for Separating Nonbacterial Pneumonia from Bacterial Pneumonia in Childhood. Clinical Proteomics Applications, 12(6): e1800030
32. Jiang HW., Czajkowsky DM., Wang T., Wang XD., Wang JB., Zhang HN., Liu CX., Wu FL., He X., Xu ZW., Chen H., Guo SJ., Li Y., Bi LJ., Deng JY., Xie J., Pei JF., Zhang XE., Tao SC. (2018). Identification of Serine 119 as an Effective Inhibitor Binding Site of M. tuberculosis Ubiquitin-like Protein Ligase PafA Using Purified Proteins and M. smegmatis. EBioMedicine, pii: S2352-3964(18)30112-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2018.03.025. (*通讯作者)
33. Chen ZQ., Dodig-Crnković D., Schwenk JM., Tao SC. (2018). Current applications of antibody microarrays. Clinical Proteomics, doi: 0.1186/s12014-018-9184-2 (*通讯作者)
34. He X, Jiang HW, Chen H, Zhang HN, Liu Y, Xu ZW, Wu FL, Guo SJ, Hou JL, Yang MK, Yan W, Deng JY, Bi LJ, Zhang XE, Tao SC. (2017). Systematic Identification of Mycobacteriumtuberculosis Effectors Reveals that BfrB Suppresses Innate Immunity. Mol Cell Proteomics. 16: 2243-2253. doi:10.1074/mcp.RA117.000296 (*通讯作者)
35. Chen JW, Shao N, Hu JY, Zhu YS, Li R, Zhang DB, Guo SJ, Hui JH, Liu P, Yang LT and Tao SC. (2017). Visual Detection of Multiple Nucleic Acids in a Capillary Array. J. Vis. Exp. (129), e56597, doi:10.3791/56597. (*通讯作者)
36. Zhang HN, Xu ZW, Jiang HW, Wu FL, He X, Liu Y, Guo SJ, Li Y, Bi LJ, Deng JY, Zhang XE and Tao SC. (2017). Cyclic di-GMP regulates Mycobacterium tuberculosis resistance to ethionamide. Scientific Reports. 7(1):5860. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-06289-7. (*通讯作者)
37. Wu FL, Liu Y, Jiang HW, Luan YZ, Zhang HN, He X, Xu ZW, Hou JL, Ji LY, Xie Z, Czajkowsky DM, Yan W, Deng JY, Bi LJ, Zhang XE and Tao SC. (2017). "The Ser/Thr Protein Kinase Protein-Protein Interaction Map of M. tuberculosis". Mol Cell Proteomics. 16: 1491-1506. (*通讯作者)
38. Xu ZJ, Li X, Zhou SM, Xie WX, Wang J, Cheng L, Wang S, Guo SJ, Xu ZW, Cao X, Zhang MH, Yu B, Narimatsu H, Tao SC and Zhang Y (2017). Systematic identification of the protein substrates of UDP-GalNAc: polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase-T1/T2/T3 using a human proteome microarray. Proteomics. 17(11):1600485. (*通讯作者)
39. Cao HW, Shen Y*, Sun YY, Tao SC, Czajkowsky DM*, Shao ZF (2017). Towards the development of a magnetic tweezers device for high-throughput measurement of protein-protein interactions. Acta Biochim et Biophys Sin (Shanghai). 49(5): 468–470.
40. Shao N, Chen JW, Hu JY, Li R, Zhang DB, Guo SJ, Hui JH, Liu P, Yang LT*, Tao SC* (2017) Visual Detection of Multiple Genetically Modified Organisms in a Capillary Array. Lab Chip. 17(3):521-529. doi: 10.1039/c6lc01330a. (*通讯作者)
41. Qi H, Zhou HQ, Czajkowsky DM, Guo SJ, Li Y, Wang N, Shi Y, Lin LF, Wang JF, Wu D*, Tao SC* (2017). Rapid production of virus protein microarray using Protein microArray fabrication through GEne Synthesis (PAGES). Mol Cell Proteomics. 16: 288-299. doi:10.1074/mcp.M116.064873. (*通讯作者)
42. Sun M, Xu J, Wu Z, Zhai L, Liu C, Cheng Z, Xu G, Tao S, Ye BC, Zhao Y, Tan M (2016). Characterization of Protein Lysine Propionylation in Escherichia coli: Global Profiling, Dynamic Change, and Enzymatic Regulation. J Proteome Res. 15(12):4696-4708.
43. Chen Z, Zhang H, Yang L, Jiang H, Guo S, Li Y, Tao S* (2016). Construction of a metabolomics profile of arsenic trioxide effect in gastric carcinoma cell line SGC7901. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai). 48(5):474-81. doi: 10.1093/abbs/gmw022. (*通讯作者)
44. Cheng X, Liu YQ, Wang GZ, Yang LN, Lu YZ, Li XC, Zhou B, Qu LW, Wang XL, Cheng YX, Liu J, Tao SC*, Zhou GB* (2016). Proteomic identification of the oncoprotein STAT3 as a target of a novel Skp1 inhibitor. Oncotarget. 8(2):2681-2693. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.13153. (*通讯作者)
45. Sun Y, Cheng L, Gu Y, Xin A, Wu B, Zhou S, Guo S, Liu Y, Diao H, Shi H, Wang G, Tao SC (2016). A Human Lectin Microarray for Sperm Surface Glycosylation Analysis. Mol Cell Proteomics. 15(9):2839-51. (通讯作者)
46. Men D, Zhou J, Li W, Leng Y, Chen X, Tao SC, Zhang XE (2016). Fluorescent protein nanowire-mediated protein microarrays for multiplexed and highly sensitive pathogen detection. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 8(27):17472-7
47. Qian L, Nie L, Chen M, Liu P, Zhu J, Zhai L, Tao SC, Cheng Z, Zhao Y, Tan M (2016). Global Profiling of Protein Lysine Malonylation in Escherichia coli Reveals Its Role in Energy Metabolism. J Proteome Res. 15(6):2060-71. doi: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.6b00264.
48. Xin AJ, Cheng L, Diao H, Wu YC, Zhou SM, Shi CG, Sun YY, Wang P, Duan SW, Zheng JF, Wu B, Yuan Y, Gu LH, Chen GW, Sun XX, Shi HJ, Tao SC, Zhang YL (2016). Lectin binding of human sperm associates with DEFB126 mutation and serves as a potential biomarker for subfertility. Scientific reports. 6:20249. doi: 10.1038/srep20249. (通讯作者)
49. Xu ZW, Huang LK, Zhang HN, Li Y, Guo SJ, Wang N, Wang SH, Wang JF*, Tao SC* (2016). PMD: A Resource for Archiving and Analyzing Protein Microarray data. Scientific reports. 6:19956. doi: 10.1038/srep19956. (通讯作者)
50. Zhang HN, Yang L, Ling JY, Czajkowsky DM, Wang JF, Zhang XW, Zhou YM, Ge F, Yang MK, Xiong Q, Guo SJ, Le HY, Wu SF, Yan W, Liu B, Zhu H, Chen Z, Tao SC (2015). Systematic identification of arsenic-binding proteins reveals that hexokinase-2 is inhibited by arsenic. PNAS 112(49):15084-9. (通讯作者)
51. Tu S, Guo SJ, Chen CS, Liu CX,
Jiang HW, Ge F, Deng JY, Zhou YM, Czajkowsky DM, Li Y, Qi BR, Ahn YH, Cole PA, Zhu H, Tao SC (2015). YcgC represents a new protein deacetylase family in prokaryotes. eLife 2015;4:e05322. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.05322 (通讯作者)
52. Yang L, Wang J, Li J, Zhang H, Guo S, Yan M, Zhu Z, Lan B, Ding Y, Xu M, Li W, Gu X, Qi C, Zhu H, Shao Z, Liu B, Tao SC (2016). Identification of serum biomarkers for gastric cancer diagnosis using a human proteome microarray. Mol Cell Proteomics. 15(2):614-23. doi: 10.1074/mcp.M115.051250. (通讯作者)
53. Liu YQ, Wang XL, Cheng X, Lu YZ, Wang GZ, Li XC, Zhang J, Wen ZS, Huang ZL, Gao QL, Yang LN, Cheng YX, Tao SC, Liu J, Zhou GB (2015). Skp1 in lung cancer: Clinical significance and therapeutic efficacy of its small molecule inhibitors. Oncotarget. 6(33):34953-67. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.5547.
54. Zhou SM, Cheng L, Guo SJ, Wang Y, Czajkowsky DM, Gao H, Hu XF, Tao SC (2015). Lectin RCA-I specifically binds to metastasis-associated cell surface glycans in triple-negative breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res. Mar 11;17:36. doi: 10.1186/s13058-015-0544-9. (通讯作者)
55. Liao Y, Ling J, Zhang G, Liu F, Tao S, Han Z, Chen S, Chen Z, Le H (2015). Cordycepin induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis by inducing DNA damage and up-regulation of p53 in Leukemia cells. Cell Cycle. 14(5):761-71. doi: 10.1080/15384101.2014.1000097.
56. Hu B, Niu X, Cheng L, Yang LN, Li Q, Wang Y, Tao SC, Zhou SM (2015). Discovering cancer biomarkers from clinical samples by protein microarrays. Proteomics Clin Appl. 9(1-2):98-110. doi: 10.1002/prca.201400094. (通讯作者)
57. Deng JY, Bi LJ, Zhou L, Guo SJ, Joy Fleming, Jiang HW , Zhou Y, Gu J, Zhong Q,Wang ZX, Liu ZH, Deng RP, Gao J ,Chen T, Li WJ, Wang JF,Wang XD, Li HC, Ge F, Zhu GF,Zhang HN, Gu J, Wu FL, Zhang ZP, Wang DB,Hang HY ,Li Y, Cheng L, He X, Tao SC and Zhang XE (2014). Mycobacterium tuberculosis Proteome Microarray for Global Studies of Protein Function and Immunogenicity. Cell Rep. 9(6):2317-29. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2014.11.023. (通讯作者)
58. Liu CX, Jiang HW, He X, Guo SJ, Tao SC (2014). Global identification of CobB Interactors by an E.coli Proteome Microarray. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin. 2014. 46(7): 548-555 (通讯作者)
59. Jiang X, Shao N, Jing W, Tao SC, Liu S, Sui GD (2014). Microfluidic chip integrating high throughput continuous-flow PCR and DNA hybridization for bacteria analysis. Talanta. 122:246-50.
60. Xin AJ, Cheng L, Diao H, Wang P, Gu YH, Wu B, Wu YC, Chen GW, Zhou SM, Guo SJ, Shi HJ and Tao SC (2014). Comprehensive profiling of accessible surface glycans of mammalian sperm using a lectin microarray. Clinical proteomics.11(1):10. doi: 10.1186/1559-0275-11-10. (通讯作者)
61. Deng RP, He X, Guo SJ, Liu WF, Tao Y, Tao SC (2014). Global identification of O-GlcNAc transferase (OGT) interactors by a human proteome microarray and the construction of an OGT interactome. Proteomics. 14(9):1020-30. (通讯作者)
62. Shao N, Jiang SM, Zhang M, Wang J, Guo SJ, Li Y, Jiang HW, Liu CX, Zhang DB, Yang LT, Tao SC (2014). MACRO: A Combined microchip-PCR and microarray system for high-throughput monitoring of genetically modified organisms. Analytical Chemistry. 2014, 86(2): 1269−1276 (通讯作者)
63. Tu S, Jiang HW, Liu CX, Zhou SM, Tao SC (2014). Protein Microarrays for Studies of Drug Mechanisms and Biomarker Discovery in the Era of Systems Biology. Current pharmaceutical design., 20(1): 49-55(7) (通讯作者)
64. Chen Y, Yang LN, Cheng L, Tu S, Guo SJ, Le HY, Xiong Q, Mo R, Li CY, Jeong JS, Jiang LZ, Blackshaw S, Bi LJ, Zhu H, Tao SC, Ge F (2013). Bcl2-associated athanogene 3 interactome analysis reveals a new role in modulating proteasome activity. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics. 12(10):2804-19. (通讯作者)
65. Cheng L, Guo SJ, Tao SC (2013). Microarray partition using a recycled marker pen and neutral balsam. ABBS. 45(8):706-8. (通讯作者)
66. Zhang QF, Gu J, Gong P, Wang XD, Tu S, Bi LJ, Yu ZN, Zhang ZP, Cui ZQ, Wei HP, Tao SC, Zhang XE, Deng JY (2013). Reversibly acetylated lysine residues play important roles on the enzymatic activity of Escherichia coli N-hydroxyarylamine-acetyltransferase. FEBS J. 280(9):1966-79. (通讯作者)
67. Wang ZX, Deng RP, Jiang HW, Guo SJ, Le HY, Zhao XD, Chen CS, Zhang JB and Tao SC (2012). Global identification of prokaryotic glycoproteins based on an Escherichia coli proteome microarray. PLoS One. e0049080. (通讯作者)
68. Lu KY, Tao SC, Yang TC, Ho YH, Lee CH, Lin CC, Juan HF, Huang HC, Yang CY, Chen MS, Lin YY, Lu JY, Zhu H, Chen CS (2012). Profiling lipid-protein interactions using non-quenched fluorescent liposomal nanovesicles and proteome microarrays. Mol Cell Proteomics. 11(11):1177-90.
69. Zhou SM, Cheng L, Guo SJ, Zhu H, Tao SC. (2012). Protein microarray: An ideal platform for the investigation of protein-ligand interactions. Frontiers in Biology. 7(4):336-349 (通讯作者)
70. Li Y, Tao SC, Bova GS, Liu AY, Chan DW, Zhu H, Zhang H (2011). Detection and Verification of Glycosylation Patterns of Glycoproteins from Clinical Specimens Using Lectin Microarrays and Lectin-based Immunosorbent Assays. Anal Chem. 83(22):8509-8516.
71. Li Y, Guo SJ, Shao N, Tu S, Xu M, Ren ZR, Ling X, Wang GQ, Lin ZX, Tao SC (2011). A universal multiplex PCR strategy for 100-plex amplification using a hydrophobically patterned microarray. Lab Chip. 11 (21): 3609-3618. (通讯作者)
72. Zhou SM, Cheng L, Guo SJ, Zhu H, Tao SC (2011). Lectin microarray: A powerful tool for glycan related biomarker discovery. Comb Chem High Throughput Screen. 14(8):711-719. (通讯作者)
73. Yang LN, Guo SJ, Li Y, Zhou SM, Tao SC (2011). Protein microarrays for systems biology. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin. 43(3):161-71. (通讯作者)
74. Ge F, Tao SC, Bi LJ, Zhang ZP, Zhang XE (2011). Proteomics: addressing the challenges of multiple myeloma. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin. 43(2):89-95.
75. Li Y, Tao SC, Zhu H, Schneck JP (2011). High-throughput lectin microarray-based analysis of live cell surface glycosylation. Curr Protoc Protein Sci. Chapter 12:Unit12.9.
76. Ge F, Bi LJ, Tao SC, Xu XD, Zhang ZP, Kitazato K, Zhang XE (2011). Proteomic analysis of multiple myeloma: current status and future perspectives. Proteomics Clin Appl. 5(1-2):30-7.
77. Ge F, Zhang L, Tao SC, Kitazato K, Zhang ZP, Zhang XE, Bi LJ (2011). Quantitative proteomic analysis of tumor reversion in multiple myeloma cells. J Proteome Res. 10(2):845-55.
78. Ge F, Li WL, Bi LJ, Tao SC, Zhang ZP, Zhang XE (2010). Identification of novel 14-3-3ζ interacting proteins by quantitative immunoprecipitation combined with knockdown (QUICK). J Proteome Res. 9(11):5848-58.
79. Ge F, Xiao CL, Bi LJ, Tao SC, Xiong S, Yin XF, Li LP, Lu CH, Jia HT, He QY (2010). Quantitative phosphoproteomics of proteasome inhibition in multiple myeloma cells. PLoS One. 5(9).
80. Zhang K, Chen Y, Zhang ZH, Tao SC, Zhu H, Zhao YM (2010) Unrestrictive identification of non-phosphorylation PTMs in yeast kinases by MS and PTMap. Proteomics. 10(5): 896-903.
81. Yin ZZ, Tao SC, Cheong R, Zhu H, Levchenko A (2010) An integrated micro-electro-fluidic and protein arraying system for parallel analysis of cell responses to controlled microenvironments. Integrative Biology. 2(9):416-23.
82. Lin YY, Lu JY, Zhang JM, Walter W, Dang WW, Wan J, Tao SC, Qian J, Zhao YM, Boeke JD, Berger SL, Zhu H (2009)Protein Acetylation Microarray Reveals NuA4 Controls Key Metabolic Target Regulating Gluconeogenesis. Cell. 136(6): 1073 - 1084.
83. Kung LA*, Tao SC*, Qian J, Snyder M, and Zhu H (2009). Global Analysis of S. cerevisiae Proteome Reveals New Roles for Protein Glycosylation in Eucaryotes. Molecular Systems Biology. 5:308. (*contributed equally)
84. Tao SC*, Li Y*, Zhou JB*, Qian J, Schnaar RL, Zhang Y, Goldstein IJ, Zhu H, Schneck JP (2008). Lectin microarrays identify cell-specific and functionally significant cell surface glycan markers. Glycobiology. 18(10): 761-769. (*contributed equally)
85. Lu JY, Lin YY, Qian J, Tao SC, Zhu J, Zhu H (2008). Functional dissection of a HECT ubiquitin E3 ligase. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics. 7(1):35-45.
86. Chen CS, Korobkova E, Chen H, Jian X, Zhu J, Tao SC, He C & Zhu H (2008). A Proteome Chip Approach Reveals New DNA Base Damage Recognition Activities in Escherichia coli. Nature Methods. 5(1):69-74.
87. Evans-Nguyen KM, Tao SC, Zhu H, and Cotter RJ (2008). Protein Arrays on Patterned Porous Gold Substrates Interrogated with Mass Spectrometry: Detection of Peptides in Plasma. Analytical Chemistry. 80 (5), 1448 -1458.
88. Tao SC, Zhu H (2006). Protein chip fabrication by capture of nascent polypeptides. Nature Biotechnology. 24: 1253-1254.
89. Tao SC, Chen CS and Zhu H (2007). Applications of protein microarray technology. Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening. 10(8):706-18.
90. Zhou YM*, Yang RQ*, Tao SC*, et. al. (2005). The design and application of DNA chips for early detection of SARS-CoV from clinical samples. Journal of clinical virology. 33(2):123-31. (*Contributed equally).
91. Tao SC, Jiang D, Lu HL, Xing WL, Zhou YX and Cheng J (2004). One-tube nested RT-PCR enabled by using a plastic film and its application for the rapid detection of SARS-virus. Biotechnology Letter. 26(3):179-83.
92. Tao SC, Li Y, Liu YH, Ma XM and Cheng J (2003). Room temperature hybridization of target DNA with microarrays in concentrated solutions of guanidine thiocyanate. Biotechniques. 34(6): 1260-1262.
93. Tao SC, Gao HF, Cao F, Ma XM and Cheng J (2003). Blocking oligo-a novel approach for improving chip-based DNA hybridization efficiency. Molecular and Cellular Probes. 17(4): 197-202.
94. Gao HF, Tao SC, Wang D, Zhang C, Ma XM, Cheng J and Zhou YX (2003). Comparison of different methods for preparing single stranded DNA for oligonucleotide microarray. Analytical letters. 36(13):2849-2863.
95. Tao SC, Zhang XE, Liu H, Li TX, Zhang ZP, Hu QX, Liang BF (2002). Multiplex PCR for simultaneous detection of human carcinoma-related viruses. Analytical Letters. 35 (7): 1149-1162.
96. 王雪宁,朱元首,江何伟,陶生策. (2020). 新型冠状病毒(SARS-CoV-2)检测技术研究进展. 生命的化学 2020, 40(8): 1258-1269(通讯作者)
97. 郑云萧, 江何伟,陶生策. (2020). 三种强致病性冠状病毒与人蛋白质相互作用研究进展. 生命的化学 2020, 40(8): 1243-1257 (通讯作者)
98. 赖丹昀,胡传圣,祁环,马明亮,李华,陶生策. (2020). 基于噬菌体展示和高通量测序的血清抗体整体质量评估体系. 上海交通大学学报(医学版)2020, 40(5): 583-589 (通讯作者)
99. 江何伟,郑云萧,陶生策. (2019). 基于蛋白质组芯片的结核分枝杆菌系统生物学研究进展. 微生物学通报. 46(2): 415−422. (通讯作者)
100. 李阳,郭书娟,陶生策. (2018). 肿瘤自身抗体标志物的研究进展. 生物产业技术. 2: 56-64. (通讯作者)
101. 黄巾帼,张海南,陈子卿,杨丽娜,江何伟,郭书娟,李阳,陶生策. (2018).三氧化二砷对肝细胞癌HepG2作用效果的代谢组学研究.上海交通大学学报(医学版)(In press) (通讯作者)
102. 刘殷,杨丽娜,张海南,陶生策. (2017).大肠埃希菌蛋白质组芯片对砷相互作用蛋白的检测分析. 上海交通大学学报(医学版). 37(05): 583. (通讯作者)
103. 陈建伟,邵宁,张雨晨,朱元首,杨立桃,陶生策. (2017).一种载样简单的多重可视化PCR微芯. 遗传. 39(6): 525-534. (通讯作者)
104. 刘诚喜, 涂顺, 郭书娟, 陶生策(2014). 细菌蛋白质乙酰化研究进展. 生命科学 26(4): (通讯作者)
105. 程 莉,周树敏,郭书娟,陶生策 (2013). 凝聚素芯片在糖链结构变化检测中的应用. 生命的化学,33 (3): 316-323 (通讯作者)
106. 邓瑞萍,郭书娟,陶生策 (2013). O-GlcNAc糖基化功能研究最新进展.生命科学,25 (5): 502-510 (通讯作者)
107. 张莹,杨丽娜,陶生策 (2012). 蛋白质芯片在血清生物标识物发现上的应用。生命的化学 32(1): 5-11.(通讯作者)
108. 李阳,陶生策 (2010). 蛋白质芯片用于疾病检测的现状和趋势. 中华检验医学杂志. 33(11):1017-1024. (通讯作者)
109. 陶生策,杨仁全等 (2003). SARS冠状病毒基因芯片的制作与初步临床样品验证. 清华学报(自然科学版), 43(5): 715-720.
110. 陶生策,张治平,张先恩 (2001). PCR技术研究进展. 生物工程进展, 21 (4): 26-29.

1. Sheng-ce Tao., and Shumin Zhou. (2020) Sketching the Glycan Hallmark of Intact Cells Using Lectin Microarray. In Glycan-Based Cellular Communication: Techniques for Carbohydrate-Protein Interactions, ACS Symposium series, ACS publications. Chater 7, 120-126 (ed. Peng George Wang, Cheng Ma, and Shukkoor Muhammed Kondengaden) (通讯作者)
2. Zhaowei Xu, Likun Huang, Sheng-ce Tao. (2020). Database Development for Antibody Antibodies Arrays in Methods Molecular Biology, Vol. 2237, Kelly C. Whittaker and Ruo-Pan Huang (Eds): Antibody Arrays. (in press) Springer Nature (通讯作者)
3. 陶生策,郭书娟,李阳,刘诚喜. 蛋白质芯片及其在生命科学中的应用 《前沿生命科学的启迪》 科学出版社 2016 乔中东主编
4. 陶生策 (中文导读) (2013),系统生物学技术.
5. 陶生策 (中文导读)(2011) 系统生物医学概念与展望(导读版),科学出版社。(原著:Systems biomedicine: concepts and perspectives, ed. Edison T. Liu and Douglas A. Lauffenburger, 2010, Elsevier)
6. 陶生策 (中文导读) (2013),系统生物学方法(导读版),科学出版社。(原著:Methods in systems biology, ed. Daniel Jameson, Malkhey Verma, Hans V. Westerholf. 2011, Elsevier)
7. Zong-Xiu Wang, Rui-Ping Deng, Shu-Juan Guo, Ji-Bin Zhang and Sheng-Ce Tao (2012). Protein microarray: an ideal platform for systems biology. In Systems biology in cancer research and drug discovery. Chapter 5, pp113-34 (ed. Asfar Sohail Azmi) (通讯作者)
8. Chien-Sheng Chen, Sheng-Ce Tao and Heng Zhu (2007). Protein Microarray Technologies. In Proteomics: Methods Express. (eds. C. David O'Connor and B. David Hames). p.183-202.
9. Zhi-wei Zhang, Yi-ming Zhou, Yan Zhang, Yong Guo, Sheng-Ce Tao, Ze Li, Qiong Zhang, Jing Cheng (2005). Sensitive Detection of SARS Coronavirus RNA by a Novel Asymmetric Multiplex Nested RT-PCR Amplification Coupled With Oligonucleotide Microarray Hybridization. In Microarrays in Clinical Diagnostics. (eds. Thomas O. Joos and Paolo Fortina), p.59-78.
10. 陶生策 (2004). 《生物芯片分析》第十三章 遗传筛查和诊断. (原著Mark Schena. 译著主编: 张亮)
11. 陶生策 (2004). 《生物芯片分析》第十六章 未来趋势:生物芯片用于临床?(原著Mark Schena. 译著主编: 张亮)
12. 陶生策 (2004). 《生物芯片技术》第四章 检测性芯片:核酸芯片. (主编:邢婉丽,程京).
13. Sheng-ce Tao, Xue-mei Ma and Jing Cheng (2002). Biochip-Based device and methods in microbial community ribotyping. In Encyclopedia of environmental microbiology. (ed. Gabriel Bitton). p.443-449.

1. 肺结核分枝杆菌类泛素连接酶先导抑制剂的发现及功能研究 31970130 自然科学基金 56万 2020.01-2023.12
2. 病原菌核糖体新调节因子的系统性发现及蛋白质相互作用网络的构建 2016YFA0500601 十三五国电重点研发计划蛋白质机器与生命过程调控 871万 2016.06-2021.07
3. 肺结核分枝杆菌蛋白质与人蛋白质相互作用的全局性发现及功能研究 31670831 自然科学基金 65万 2017.01-2021.12
4. 蛋白质芯片关键技术研发及在转化医学上的应用 2012AA020103 科技部863项目子课题 300万 2012.01-2015.12
5. 系统生物医学相关新技术的研发 科技部973课题 2010CB529205 450万 2010.1-2014.12
6. 上海市启明星人才计划A类 10QA1403800 上海市科委 15万 2010.4-2012.3
7.新世纪优秀人才支持计划 NCET-09-551 教育部 50万 2010.1-2012.12
8. 留学回国人员科研启动基金 教育部 4万 2010.1-2011.12
9. 基于蛋白质组芯片的全局性新酶发现技术的建立 31000388 自然科学基金委 20万 2011.1-2013.12
10. 国家重点实验室自主课题 91-10-12 癌基因及相关基因国家重点实验室 30万 2010.07-2012.06
11. 结核病免疫原系统发现和新型疫苗的临床前研究 2013ZX10003006-001-003 卫生部“十二五”传染病重大专项 230万 2013.01-2015.12
12. 基于蛋白质组芯片的全局性蛋白质去乙酰化酶发现及功能研究 31370813 自然科学基金 75万 2014.01-2017.12
13. 结核分支杆 菌蛋白质芯片开发/技术平台建设 校企合作 600万 2014.1-2018.12

1. 陶生策,江何伟. 基于结核分枝杆菌类泛素连接酶PafA的药物靶点机器应用. 专利号:ZL201810142937.0
2. 陶生策,祁环,郭书娟,李阳. 一种蛋白质芯片的快速制备方法. 专利号:ZL201610396739.8
3. 朱国锋,莫白自,张洪波,侯剑,赵维国,毕利军,邓教宇,陶生策,杭海英,藜嘉维,杨晓.一种超声波微生物分散装置.专利号:ZL 201420560535.X. 授权公告日:2015.02.04
4. 朱国锋,莫白自,张洪波,侯剑,赵维国,毕利军,邓教宇,陶生策,杭海英,藜嘉维,杨晓.一种超声波微生物分散方法及装置.专利号:ZL201410503351.4. 授权公告日:2017.11.24
5. 朱国锋,莫白自,张洪波,毕利军,陶生策,邓教宇,赵维国.一种细菌分散计数仪.专利号:ZL201510214710.9. 授权公告日2018.03.22
6. 陶生策, 张先恩,毕利 军,邓教宇,张治平, 江何伟,周 盈,谷晶,郭书娟,张鸿泰,王绪德,王靖方,侯剑,周杰, 杨姗姗,赵斐. 结核分支杆菌蛋白Rv1984v在制备诊断潜伏性肺结核感染的产品中的用途.专利号:ZL201510719057.1.授权公告日2017.06.06
7. 毕利军,张先恩,陶生策,邓 教宇,朱国峰,侯剑,王雅果. Rv0440蛋白在诊断潜伏性/活动性肺结核中的用途. 专利号:201610154675.0. 授权公告日:2018.12.29
8. 陶生策,毕利军,张先恩,邓 教宇,朱国峰,侯剑,王雅果. Rv1078蛋白在诊断潜伏性/活动性肺结核中的用途.专利号:ZL201610153541.7.授权公告日:2018.12.28
9. Guofeng ZHU, Baizi MO, Hongbo ZHANG, Jian HOU, Weiguo ZHAO, Lijun BI, Jiaoyu DENG, Shengce TAO, Haiying HANG, Jiawei LI, and Xiao YANG. METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DISPERSION OF MICROBES IN A LIQUID SUSPENSION. 美国专利:US 14/866,691. 授权公告日:2019.01.24
10. 陶生策,陈建伟,朱元首,邵宁,郭书娟。大容量多样本生物芯片杂交围栏。专利号ZL201621142885.X. 授权公告日:2017年6月9日
11. 陶生策, 张先恩,毕利军,邓教宇,张治平, 江何伟,周盈,谷晶,郭书娟,张鸿泰,王绪德,王靖方,侯剑,周杰, 杨姗姗,赵斐。结核分支杆菌蛋白在制备 诊断潜伏性肺结核感染的产品中的用途。专利号:ZL 201310607359.0
12. 邓教宇,张先恩,毕利军,陶生策, 张治平, 谷晶,江何伟,周盈,王绪德,郭书娟,张鸿泰,杨姗姗,王靖方,侯剑,周杰,赵斐。结核分支杆菌蛋白在制备诊断潜伏性肺结核感染的产品中的用途。专利号: ZL 201310608293.7
13. 钟球,张先恩,毕利军,陶生策,邓教宇,张治平,周琳,陈涛,李海成, 谷晶,江何伟,周盈,王绪德,郭书娟,张鸿泰,王靖方,侯剑,周杰,杨姗姗,赵斐。Rv3872、Rv0164和/或Rv1926c蛋白在制备诊断活动性肺结核的产品中的用途。专利申请号: 201310608295.6
14. 张先恩,陶生策,毕利军,邓教宇,张治平,江何伟,周盈,谷晶,郭书娟,张鸿泰,王绪德,邓瑞萍,王宗秀,刘钟慧,顾佳,李阳, 李文娟. 一种结核分枝杆菌全蛋白质芯片及应用. 专利号: ZL 201410095163.2
15. 邓教宇,张先恩,毕利军,陶生策, 张治平, 谷晶,江何 伟,周盈,王绪德,郭书娟,张鸿泰,杨姗姗,王靖方,侯剑,周杰,赵斐. 结核分支杆菌蛋白在制备诊断活动性肺结核的产品中的用途. 专利号: ZL 201310607242.2
16. 陶生策, 张先恩,毕利 军,邓教宇,张治平, 江何伟,周 盈,谷晶,郭书娟,张鸿泰,王绪德,王靖方,侯剑,周杰, 杨姗姗,赵斐. Rv0174、Rv1729c和/或Rv3835蛋白在制备诊断活动肺结核的产品中的用途专利号:ZL201310608263.6
17. 毕利军,张先 恩,陶生策,邓教宇,张治平, 周盈,江何 伟,谷晶,张鸿泰,郭书娟,王绪德,侯剑,周杰,王靖方,杨姗姗,赵斐. Rv1860、Rv0173和/或Rv1812c蛋白在制备诊断活动性肺结核的产品中的用途专利号:ZL201310607381.5
18. 杨立桃, 陶生策, 张大兵, 邵宁, 蒋诗萌. 适用于转基因产品高通量检测的DNA 芯片. 专利号: ZL201310557335.9
19. 杨丽娜,陶生策,王靖方,刘炳亚,郭书娟,李建芳,燕敏。诊断试剂盒及RNF19在制备胃癌早期诊断试剂中的应用。专利号:ZL201210152712.6 (项目负责人)
20. 杨丽娜,陶生策,王靖方,刘炳亚,郭书娟,李建芳,燕敏。诊断试剂盒及CCDC49在制备胃癌早期诊断试剂中的应用。专利号:ZL201210152714.5 (项目负责人)
21. 杨丽娜,陶生策,王靖方,刘炳亚,郭书娟,李建芳,燕敏。诊断试剂盒及BFAR在制备胃癌早期诊断试剂中的应用。专利号:ZL201210149161.8 (项目负责人)
22. 杨丽娜,陶生策,王靖方,刘炳亚,郭书娟,李建芳,燕敏。蛋白质NT5E在制备诊断胃癌的试剂中的应用及诊断试剂盒。专利号:ZL201210148868.7 (项目负责人)
23. 杨丽娜,陶生策,王靖方,刘炳亚,郭书娟,李建芳,燕敏。蛋白质TERF1在制备诊断胃癌的试剂中的应用及诊断试剂盒。专利号:ZL201210148888.4 (项目负责人)
24. 杨丽娜,陶生策,王靖方,刘炳亚,郭书娟,李建芳,燕敏。蛋白质COPS2在制备诊断胃癌的试剂中的应用及诊断试剂盒。专利号:ZL201210149141.0 (项目负责人)
25. 杨丽娜,陶生策,王靖方,刘炳亚,郭书娟,李建芳,燕敏。蛋白质CTSF在制备诊断胃癌的试剂中的应用及诊断试剂盒。专利号:ZL201210149082.7 (项目负责人)
26. 李阳,郭书娟,陶生策。基于微阵列芯片的通用多重聚合酶链式反应的实现方法。专利号:ZL201010157146.9 (项目负责人)
27. 李阳,郭书娟,陶生策。恒压分液器。专利号:ZL2010 2 0153485.5 (项目负责人)
28. 陶生策,高华方,赵传赞,王东,安爽,程京。一种高通量生物芯片及其应用。专利号:ZL200410088889.X 授权公告日:2007年4月25日。
29. 陶生策,王国青,程京。一种基于微小颗粒的生物芯片系统及其应用。专利号:ZL03123726.6 授权公告日:2006年10月18日。
30. 陶生策,程京,马雪梅。一种制备核酸探针库的方法。专利号:ZL 03100093.2 授权公告日:2006年7月5日。
31. 陶生策,鲜飞军,程京,张琼,郭旻,蒋迪,鲁红丽。一种巢式PCR反应管。专利号:ZL 200420112525.6 授权公告日:2006年5月31日。
32. 陶生策,程京。一种载玻片离心盒。专利号:ZL 02291176.6 授权公告日:2004年1月14日。
33. Ze Li, Sheng-Ce Tao and Jing Cheng. Methods and compositions for detecting SARS virus and other infectious agents. Singapore patent No. P-No.122997. Issued on 10/31/2007.


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