1982-1987: 福建医科大学临床医学系,医学学士
1992-1993: 日本医科大学电子显微镜研究中心,访问学者
1993-1998: 日本医科大学病理系,医学博士
2000-2002: 美国加州大学Irvine分校,博士后
2002-2004: 美国加州大学 San Diego分校,癌症中心, 博士后
1987-1992: 福建医科大学附属闽东医院,内科医生
1998-2000: 日本医科大学大学院特别研究员及附属第一医院,临床研修医师
2004-2008: 美国The Scripps Research Institute,Staff Scientist (助理教授)
2007-2012: 中国科学院上海生命科学院/上海交大医学院,健康科学研究所,
2007-至今: 福建医科大学附属闽东医院及福建省肿瘤医院,肿瘤科医生
(医师资格证:199835110350981, 医师执业证:110352200000630)
2010-2014: 中科院上海高等研究院纳米医学与转化医学中心主任
2011-2014: 中科院上海高等研究院-Drexel 大学联合中心、中方主任
2011-至今: 上海科技大学生命学部特聘教授,博士生导师
2012-2016: 中科院上海高等研究院肿瘤靶向实验室主任、研究员
2015-至今: 上海交通大学系统生物医学研究院教授, 博士生导师
2016-至今: 上海交大-美国Sorrento Therapeutics公司联合研发中心主任、
2018-至今: 上海交通大学附属第九人民医院兼聘高级专家
1998:获得日本电子显微镜学会年度 (平成10年) 优秀英文论文奖
2005: 获得美国 NIH 三年研究经费资助(2005-2008, NIH Training Grant Number
T32 CA075924)
诺贝尔医学奖获得者罗夫·辛克纳吉(Rolf M.Zinkernagel)实验室兼职教授
美国纳斯达克上市公司Sorrento Therapeutics Inc,科学顾问
美国 The Scripps Research Institute 免疫系,客座教授
美国 John Wayne Cancer Institute,客座教授
美国医学期刊American Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research (AJECR), 亚洲编委
1.Zhang JF, Yan XM, Lan B, Lei YR, Li XH, Gao S, Guo YF, Guo F*. Molecular mechanisms of synergistic induction of apoptosis by the combination therapy with hyperthermia and cisplatin in prostate cancer cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. (*通讯作者) 2016 Oct 14;479(2):159-165. (IF: 2.4)
2.Jiang P, Zhang P, Mukthavaram R, Nomura N, Pingle SC, Teng D, Chien S, Guo F., Kesari S. Anti-cancer effects of nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates on human cancer cells. Oncotarget. 2016 Jul 22. (IF: 5.0)
3.Guo Y, Gao J, Gao S, Shang M, Guo F.*. Effect of CTLA-4 gene polymorphisms on long-term kidney allograft function in Han Chinese recipients. Oncotarget. (*通讯作者) 2016 Apr 26;7(17):23088-95. (IF: 5.0)
4.Mukthavaram R, Ouyang X, Saklecha R, Jiang P, Nomura N, Pingle SC, Guo F, Makale M, Kesari S. Effect of the JAK2/STAT3 inhibitor SAR317461 on human glioblastoma tumorspheres. J Transl Med. 2015 Aug 18;13:269. (IF: 3.69)
5.Wang X, Zhang C., Yan X., Lan B., Wang J., Wei C., Cao X., Yao J., Zhou T., Zhou M., Liu Q., Jiang B., Jiang P., Kesari S., Lin X *, Guo F.,*: A novel bioavailable BH3 mimetic efficiently inhibits colon cancer via cascade effects of mitochondria. Clinical Cancer Res.,(2015)Oct 29 (*通讯作者).(IF:8.75)
6.Lin Y, Qiu Y, Chen X, , Liu Q, Lan B, Peng B, Gunnar K, Xu C, Wei C, Lu D, Zhang Y, Guo Y, Lu Z, Jiang B, Edgington T, Guo F*: Functional role of asparaginyl endopeptidase ubiquitination by TRAF6 in tumor invasion and metastasis. J Natl Cancer Inst, (2014) March 7 (*通讯作者). (IF:15.2)
7.Guo YF *, Guo F.*, Qiu JX , Liu Y , Fan Y and Gao JW: CTLA4 gene polymorphisms influence the incidence of infection after renal transplantation in Chinese recipients. Plos One. (2013) Aug 27;8(8):e70824 (*共同通讯作者).(IF:3.7)
8.Jiang Y, Li X, Yang W, Hawke DH, Zheng Y, Xia Y, Aldape K, Wei C, Guo F., Chen Y, Lu Z : PKM2 Regulates Chromosome Segregation and Mitosis Progression of Tumor Cells. Molecular Cell. (2014) Jan 9:53(1)75-87.(IF:15.3)
9.Mochalin V, Pentecost A, Li X, Neitzel I, Nelson M, Wei C, He T, Guo F., Gogotsi Y: Adsorption of Drugs on Nanodiamond: Towards Development of a Drug Delivery Platform" . Molecular Pharmaceutics. (2013) Oct 7:10(10) 3728-35(IF:4.6)
10.Lin YY, Wei CY, Liu Y, Qiu YM, Liu C*, Guo F*. Selective Ablation of Tumor Associated Macrophages (TAMs) Suppresses Metastasis and Angiogenesis. Cancer Science, (2013) May 22. (*通讯作者).(IF: 3.5)
11.Li N, Liu QL, Wei CY, Lan B, Wang JY, Bao GQ, Yan F, Yu Y, Peng BW, Qiu J, Yan XM, Zhang S, Guo F.*: Effects of Legumain as a Potential Prognostic Factor on Gastric Cancers. Medical Oncology, (2013) 30:621. ((*通讯作者)(IF:2.8)
12.Yang WW, Zheng YH, Xia X, Ji HT, Chen XM, Guo F., Lyssiotis CA, Aldape K, Cantley LC, Lu ZM: ERK1/2-dependent phosphorylation and nuclear translocation of PKM2 promotes the Warburg effect, Nature Cell Biol. (2013) 15(1):124 (IF:20.8)
13.Guo YF *, Fan Y, Qiu JX, Liu Y, Ga JW, Guo F.*: Polymorphisms in CTLA4 influence incidence of drug-induced liver injury after renal transplantation in Chinese recipients, Plos One. (2012) 7(12): e51723. (*通讯作者)(IF:4.1)
14.Hu WJ, Ma ML, Zhao XL, Guo F., Mi XQ, Jiang B* and Wen K*: Synthesis, Structure and Conformation of Terphenylene-Derived Azacalix[4]aromatics. Tetrahedron (2012) 68, 6071.(IF:3.0)
15.Kong LW, Ma ML, Wu LC, Zhao XL, Guo F., Jiang B and Wen K:Carboxylic Acid Functionalized ortho-Linked Oxacalix[2]benzene[2]pyrazine: Synthesis, Structure, Hydrogen Bond and Metal Directed Self-Assembly, Dalton Trans ( 2012) 41, 5625 .(IF:3.8)
16.Hu WJ, Zhao XL, Ma ML, Guo F., Mi XQ, Jiang B and Wen K :Synthesis, Structure and Conformation of Terphenylene-Derived Oxacalixaromatics. Eur. J. Org. Chem. ( 2012)1448.(IF:3.3)
17.Ma ML, Li XY, Zhao XL, Guo F, Jiang B, Wen K: Silver-mediated self-assembly of metallosupramolecular networks based on pyrimiding-containing oxacalix[n]aromatics. Cryst Eng Comm. (2011) 13:1752.(IF:3.8)
18.Qian BJ, Yan F, Li N, Liu QL, Lin YH, Liu CM, Luo YP, Guo F.*, Li HZ*: MTDH/AEG-1-based DNA Vaccine Suppresses Lung Metastasis and Enhances Chemosensitivity to Doxorubicin in Breast Cancer. Cancer Immunol Immunother (2011) 60 (6):883-893. (*通讯作者)(IF:3.7)
19.Ma ML, Li XY, Zhao XL, Guo F., Jiang B and Wen K :Silver-Mediated Self-Assembly of Metallosupramolecular Networks Based on Pyrimidine-Containing Oxacalix[n]aromatics. Cryst Eng Comm (2011) 13, 1752. (IF:3.8)
20.Yan F, Cao XX, Jiang HX, Jin L, Zhao XL, Wang JY, Lin YH, Jiang B, Guo F.*:A Novel Water-soluble Gossypol Derivative Increases Chemotherapeutic Sensitivity
and Promotes Growth. J. Med. Chem. (2010) 53 (15):5502–5510. (*通讯作者)(IF:5.2)
21.Abraham S*, Guo F.*, Li LS, Rader C, Liu C, Barbas III, CF, Lerner RA and Sinha SC: Synthesis of the next Generation therapeutic antibodies that combine cell targeting and antibody catalyzed. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, (2007) 104 (13):5584-5589. (*共同第一作者).(IF:9.6)
22.Guo F.*, Das S., Mueller B., Barbas CF 3rd, Lerner RA and Sinha SC: Breaking the one antibody-one target axiom. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, (2006) 103 (29):11009-11014. (IF:10.9)(*第一作者)
23.Minev B., Guo F., Gueorguieva I. and Kaiser H.: Vaccines for immunotherapy of breast and prostate cancer: new developments and comparative aspects. In Vivo (2002)16:405-416.(IF:1.9)
24.Matsuda K, Maruyama H., Guo F, Kleeff J, Itakura J., Matsumato Y, Lander A Dand Korc M: Glypican-1 is overexpressed in human breast cancer and modulates the mitogenic effects of multiple heparin binding growth factors in breast cancer cells. Cancer Res (2001)61: 5562-5569.(IF:8.3)
25.Wei L, Guo F, Kudo M and Asano G: Epithelial and stromal changes after castration and testosterone treatment in rat prostate. Connective Tissue (2000) 30: 17-25.
26.Nishigaki R, Guo F, Onda M, Yamada N, Yokoyama M, Naito Z, Asano G, Shimizu-Suganuma M., Shichinohe K. and Aramaki T.: Ultrastructural changes and immunohistochemical localization of nitric oxide synthase, advanced glycation end products and NF-B in aorta of streptozotocin treated Mongolian gerbils. Journal of Nippon Medical School (1999) 66: 166-175.
27.Dang C, Takashi , Guo F, Naito Z, Yokoyama M, Asano G, Ji Z and Qin Z: Ultrastructural study of the mechanism of perineural extension in pancreatic cancer. Medical Electron Microscopy (1998) 31: 31-37.
28.Guo F*, Ishiwata T, Yokoyama M and Asano G: Expression of basic fibroblast growth factor, epidermal growth factor, and their receptors in castrated and testosterone injected rat prostates. Acta Histochemica ET Cytochemica (1997) 30: 13-22. (*通讯作者). (IF:1.5)
29.Guo F*, Qiao Y, Wei L, kameyama K, Ishiwata T, Naito Z and Asano G: Morphometrical evaluation of effects of androgen on castrated rat prostate, with special reference to morphological changes of epithelial cells, stromal cells and blood vessels. Japanese Journal of Clinical Electron Microscopy (1997) 30: 41-49. (*通讯作者). (IF:1.0)
30.Ishiwata T, Guo F, Naito Z. and Asano G: Differential distribution of ecNOS and iNOS mRNA in rat heart after endotoxin administration. Japanese Heart Journal (1997) 38: 445-455.
31.Nishigaki R, Guo F, Yokoyama M, Naito Z and Asano G: Ultrastructural changes and localization of nitric oxide synthase in rat lung induced by endotoxin administration. Medical Electron Microscopy (1997) 30: 177-184.
32.Fukui M, Qiao Y, Guo F and Asano G: Cell damage and liberation of nitric oxide syntheses in rat heart induced by endotoxin administration. Journal of Nippon Medical School (1995)62: 469-481.
起止年月:2014/01至2016/12, 项目责任:学术骨干
课题名称:特异性蛋白酶在肿瘤转移中机制与Notch 3 DNA疫苗开发
起止年月:2009/01至2010/12, 项目责任:项目负责人
起止年月:2011/10至2015/9 项目责任:项目负责人
(12)Sorrento Therapeutics Inc(纳斯达克上市)联合中心课题:(510万)
课题名称: AEP肿瘤早期肿瘤诊断试剂盒及临床应用