1989/09-1994/08, 芬兰于韦斯屈莱大学,体育与健康科学学院,博士
1978/09-1981/08, 上海体育学院,基础理论部运动解剖学教研室,硕士
2002/08-2003/07, 芬兰于韦斯屈莱大学,运动医学系,副教授
1987/09-1989/08, 成都体育学院,运动医学系,讲师
1. A member of the editorial board of Sports Medicine and Health Science for a 3-year term(May2018-April2021)
2. A member of the editorial board of Archives of Epidemiology and Public Health
3. Associate editor, Journal of Sport and Health Science (JSHS)
4. Chairperson for European University Consortium for Wearable Consumer Technology Devices in Physical Activity Monitoring,2019-2021
5. International expert in Biomedicine for assessment of the scientific performance of the Lithuanian universities and research institutions, 1-5 October 2018
其研究领域涉及身体成分,体力活动,营养,公共健康,内分泌学,生理学和遗传学等多学科。主持了芬兰、美国和中国从儿童到老年人与体成分相关的健康和技术领域的多项跨学科、多中心研究项目。目前主要研究方向: 家族跟踪研究能量代谢、骨代谢、脂代谢和糖代谢之间的交互作用及代谢性疾病运动膳食干预效果及机制。研究对象涉及正常人、代谢综合征,肥胖,睡眠障碍,糖尿病前期,糖尿病和非酒精性脂肪肝患者等。
研究范围:三分之一是基础研究,三分之一是与健康科技相关的技术开发项目, 而另三分之一研究是与运动训练与干预有关。这些研究将多种体质、神经肌肉、心血管和激素等相关人体指标整合起来作为评估人体体质和健康及运动能力的标准。研究还涉及到改善身体健康状况和日常活动功效及慢性代谢疾病的运动处方等方面。研究重点不局限于健康人群,也包含了特殊人群,例如儿童、老年人、伤残疾病人士和运动员。此外,近年来做了大量的促进应用研究和产品开发的工作。研究和开发涉及健康、运动、康复方面的测试仪器,健身和康复的器材、营养品等。
1.Lautaoja, Maciej Lalowski, Tuuli A. Nissinen, Jaakko J. Hentilä, Yi Shi, Olli Ritvos, Sulin Cheng, and Juha J. Hulmi. Muscle and serum metabolomes are dysregulated in colon-26 tumor-bearing mice despite amelioration of cachexia with activin receptor type 2B ligand blockade. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2019 Mar 12. doi: 10.1152/ajpendo.00526.2018.
2.Huang T, Lu CY, Schumann M, Le SL, Yang YF, Zhuang HH, Wu N, Zhang XB, Lu QW, Liu JS, Wiklund P, Cheng S. Timing of exercise affects glycemic control in T2DM patients treated with metformin. J Diabetes Res. 2018 Mar 29;2018:2483273. doi: 10.1155/2018/2483273. eCollection 2018.
3.Cheng S, Wiklund P. The effects of muscle mass and muscle quality on cardio-metabolic risk in peripubertal girls: a longitudinal study from childhood to early adulthood. International Journal of Obesity, doi: 10.1038/ijo.2017.267, Oct 2017 30.
4.Cheng S, Ge J, Zhao C, Le SL, Yang YF, Ke DD, Wu N, Tan X, Zhang XB, Du XM, Sun JQ, Wang RW, Shi YY, Borra RJ, Parkkola R, Wiklund P, Lu DJ. Effect of aerobic exercise and diet on pre-diabetic non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: A randomized controlled trial (ISRCTN 42622771). Sci Rep. 2017 Nov 21;7(1):15952. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-16159-x.
5.Yang Y, Shi Y, Wiklund P, Tan X, Wu N, Zhang X, Tikkanen O, Zhang C, Munukka E, Cheng S. The Association between Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Gut Microbiota Composition in Premenopausal Women. Nutrients. 2017 Jul 25;9(8). pii: E792. doi: 10.3390/nu9080792.
6.Wiklund P, Törmäkangas T, Shi Y, Wu N, Vainionpää A, Alen M, Cheng S. Normal-weight obesity and cardiometabolic risk: A 7-year longitudinal study in girls from prepuberty to early adulthood. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2017 Jun;25(6):1077-1082. doi: 10.1002/oby.21838. Epub 2017 Apr 21.
7. Wiklund P, Zhang X, Tan X, Keinänen-Kiukaanniemi S, Alen M, Cheng S. Serum Amino Acid Profiles in Childhood Predict Triglyceride Level in Adulthood: A 7-Year Longitudinal Study in Girls. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2016 May;101(5):2047-55. doi: 10.1210/jc.2016-1053.
8.Cheng S, Degens H, Evans M, Cheng SM, Selänne H, Rittweger J, Heinonen A, Suominen H, Strandberg T, Alen M, Korhonen MT. What Makes a 97-Year-Old Man Cycle 5,000 km a Year? Gerontology. 2016;62(5):508-12. doi: 10.1159/000443390.
9.Tan X, Alén A, Wiklund P, Partinen M, Cheng S. Effects of aerobic exercise on home-based sleep among overweight and obese men with chronic insomnia symptoms: a randomized controlled trial. Sleep Medicine (2016), http://dx.doi.org/doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2016.02.010.
10.Pekkala S, Munukka E, Kong L, Pöllänen E, Autio R, Roos C, Wiklund P, Fischer-Posovszky P, Wabitsch M, Alen M, Huovinen P, Cheng S. Toll-like receptor 5 in obesity: the role of gut microbiota and adipose tissue inflammation. Obesity (Silver Spring). 23(3):581-90,2015.
11.Wang Q, Chen D, Cheng SM, Nicholson P, Alen M, Cheng S. Growth and aging of proximal femoral bone - a study with women spanning three generations. J Bone Miner Res. 30(3):528-34,2015.
12.Munukka E, Pekkala S, Wiklund P, Rasool O, Borra R, Kong L, Ojanen X, Cheng SM, Roos C, Tuomela S, Alen M, Lahesmaa R, Cheng S. Gut-adipose tissue axis in hepatic fat accumulation in humans. J Hepatol. 61:132-138,2014.
13.Wen X, Pekkala S, Wang R, Wiklund P, Feng G, Mei Cheng S, Tan X, Liu Y, Chen P, Eriksson JG, Alen M, Cheng S. Does systemic low-grade inflammation associate with fat accumulation and distribution? - A 7-year follow-up study with peripubertal girls. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 99:1411-1419,2014.
14. Ojanen X, Borra RJ, Havu M, Cheng SM, Parkkola R, Nuutila P, Alen M, Cheng S. Comparison of vertebral bone marrow fat assessed by 1H MRS and in-phase and out-of-phase MRI among family members. Osteoporos Int. 25:653-622,2014.
15. Pekkala S, Wiklund PK, Hulmi JJ, Ahtiainen JP, Horttanainen M, Pöllänen E, Mäkelä K, Kainulainen H, Häkkinen K, Nyman K, Alén M, Herzig KH, Cheng S. Are Skeletal Muscle FNDC5 Gene Expression and Irisin Release Regulated by Exercise and Related to Health? J Physiol. 591:5393-5400. 2013.
16. Lu C, Ivaska KK, Alen M, Wang Q, Törmäkangas T, Xu L, Wiklund P, Mikkola TM, Pekkala S, Tian H, Väänänen HK, Cheng S. Serum osteocalcin is not associated with glucose but is inversely sssociated with leptin across generations of nondiabetic women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab.97:4106-4114,2012.
17.Munukka E, Wiklund P, Pekkala S, Völgyi E, Xu L, Cheng S, Lyytikäinen A, Marjomäki V, Alen M, Vaahtovuo J, Keinänen-Kiukaanniemi S, Cheng S. Women with and without metabolic disorder differ in their gut microbiota composition. Obesity (Silver Spring). 20:1082-1087,2012.
18. Xu L, Wang Q, Wang Q, Lyytikäinen A, Mikkola T, Völgyi E, Cheng S, Wiklund P, Munukka E, Nicholson P, Alén M, Cheng S. Concerted actions of insulin-like growth factor-1, testosterone and estradiol on peripubertal bone growth - A 7-year longitudinal study. J Bone Miner Res. 26:2204-2211,2011.
19.Völgyi E, Alén M, Xu L, Lyytikäinen A, Wang Q, Munukka E, Wiklund P, Tylavsky FA, Cheng S. Effect of long-term leisure time physical activity on lean mass and fat mass in girls during adolescence. J Appl Physiol. 110:1211-1218,2011.
20. Völgyi E, Lyytikäinen A, Tylavsky FA, Nicholson PHF, Suominen H, Alén M, Cheng S. Long term leisure time physical activity has a positive effect on bone mass gain in girls J Bone Miner Res. 25:1034-1041,2010.
21.Wang Q, Alén M, Lyytikäinen A, Xu L, Tylavsky FA, Kujala UM, Kröger H, Seeman E, Cheng S. Familial resemblance and diversity in bone mass and strength in the population are established during the first year of postnatal life. J Bone Miner Res. 25:1512-1520,2010.
22. Cheng S, Völgyi E, Tylavsky F, Lyytikäinen A, Törmäkangas T, Xu LT, Cheng SM, Kröger H, Alen M, Kujala UM. Trait-specific tracking and determinants of body composition: a 7-year follow-up study of pubertal growth in girls. BMC Medicine. 7:5,2009.
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,批准号:31571219,有氧运动通过肠道菌群-肝脏轴影响非酒精性脂肪肝的效应及机制, 2016/01-2019/12, 75.6万元,在研,主持.
2. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目,批准号:2018M641990,二甲双胍联合电刺激对细胞线粒体功能及糖脂代谢的影响,2018.10月-2020.3,5万元,在研,参与
3. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目,批准号:2018M640377,有氧运动和二甲双胍干预对糖尿病患者骨胶原蛋白的影响,2018.10-2020.3,8万元,在研,参与
4. 华为运动健康应用联合创新合作项目,2019.01-2021.12,600万元,在研,主持
5. Burning Sugar研究,2018.11-2021.10,200万元,在研,主持
6. GAP4 Exercise and Metabolic Health Project, 2018.7-2021.12,21.313澳元,在研,主持
1. Method for diagnosing and monitoring osteoporosis 1998 (PN#5,772,592 &5,800,363).
3. 用于骨骼非侵害性评价的方法和装置
博士后:Xiaowei Ojanen、张媛